Batch send NFT to supporters

Export wallet address of supporters and batch send NFTs to them

Step 1: Search for "Collectors" in your own wallet on the LikeCoin NFT Dashboard.

Step 2: Export all data.

Step 3: Import the CSV of the data into a spreadsheet tool for sorting and organize the wallet addresses of supporters into a list. There are two method to batch send NFT:

Method 1:

  • Select "Send NFTs" in the Tools of LikeCoin NFT Marketplace and log in to Keplr.

  • Find the NFT Class ID on the Writing NFT that will be distributed to supporters.

  • Enter the NFT Class ID into the Send NFTs tool, and enter the supportersโ€™ wallet addresses to the "Recipient Address list" and the "Transfer message", then press "Send" and sign in Keplr to batch send NFTs to supporters.

Method 2:

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