Javascript CDN

Embed LikeCoin button by just including <script> in your website


  1. Add the following div tag into the webpage at the position for embedding LikeCoin button:

<div class="likecoin-embed likecoin-button" data-liker-id="{YOUR_LIKECOIN_ID}" data-href="YOUR_WEBPAGE_URL"></div>

Here, data-liker-id is required and refers to your Liker ID, where data-href is optional and refers to your page's canonical URL. If omitted, the SDK will use the current URL of the browser. It is suggested to always include a data-href

2. Add the following script tag at the end of the body tag:

<script src=""></script>

Sample HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>LikeCoin button SDK demo</title>
<div class="likecoin-embed likecoin-button" data-liker-id="chungwu" data-href=""></div>
<script src=""></script>

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