Setup local test node

  1. Clone the likecoin-chain git repository using the latest tag. As of now latest version is v3.0.0, please check the mainnet repository to confirm version.

git clone \
--branch v3.0.0 --single-branch \
likecoin-chain && cd likecoin-chain

2. (optional) Build the chain Docker image

make build-docker

3. Setup the needed files and folders

cp docker-compose.yml.template docker-compose.yml
cp .env.template .env
mkdir -p .liked

4. Add a key for local use, please record the mnemonic shown

export YOUR_KEY_NAME=<type your key name here>
export CHAIN_ID=<type your chain ID here>
docker-compose run --rm liked-command \
    keys add $YOUR_KEY_NAME

5. Init the testnet

docker-compose run --rm liked-command \
    init testnet --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

6. Set all denom in genesis.json to nanolike

docker-compose run --rm liked-service \
    sed -i 's/"stake"/"nanolike"/g' /likechain/.liked/config/genesis.json

7. Init the testnet accounts

docker-compose run --rm liked-command \
    add-genesis-account $YOUR_KEY_NAME 2000000000000000000nanolike

docker-compose run --rm liked-command \
    gentx $YOUR_KEY_NAME 1000000000000000000nanolike --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

docker-compose run --rm liked-command \

8. Modify docker-compose.yml and ./.liked/config/app.toml if you need lcd / grpc services

            - 1317:1317
            - 9090:9090
            - 26656:26656
# app.toml

# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true

9. Start running the node

docker-compose up -d

Last updated