Leap Browser Extension Wallet

Leap is a multichain wallet supporting LikeCoin

Leap is the only non-custodial super wallet for Web3. It is the simplest and safest way to send, swap, and stake tokens, and you can manage your own private key.

Note that Leap does not support the registration of Liker ID yet.

Please refer to the following articles to learn how to install the Leap Browser Extension on desktop:

Deposit, send, delegate LikeCoin; vote and view transaction details:

You may also export seed words from Liker Land and import them to Leap:

Collect Writing NFT:

Swap LikeCoin and earn liquidity mining incentives on Osmosis:

Leap Mobile Wallet

Leap also launched a mobile wallet, which has the same function as the Leap Browser Extension. Since it is still in the trial stage, please refer to the Leap official website for more details.


Leapboard is the wallet interface of Leap. Users can use the Leap Browser extension, Keplr Browser extension or Cosmostation Browser extension to log in and transfer, delegate, and vote. You can also use their Telegram notification function to monitor LikeCoin transactions in your wallet at any time.

Last updated