Undelegate on mobile

Undelegate LikeCoin via dao.like.co on a mobile browser

Using a mobile browser with dao.like.co can undelegate by Authcore, and the steps are the same as using a desktop computer to undelegate LikeCoin via dao.like.co.

Undelegate via Keplr Mobile

Step 1: Login Keplr Mobile

On Keplr Mobile, click "Staking".

Step 2: Select the validator with delegation

In the "My Staking" section, choose on the validator from whom you want to undelegate.

Step 3: Undelegate

Click "Unstake".

Step 4: Decide the amount to undelegate

Enter the amount of LikeCoin that you want to undelegate and click "Unstake".

Step 5: Confirm Undelegation

Review all the details and and click "Approve" to confirm the undelegation.

Once the undelegation is completed, the My Unstaking section will show the amount of LikeCoin being undelegated and provide an estimated time for the process to complete.

Undelegate via Cosmostation app

Step 1: Login Cosmostation app

On the Cosmostation app, click "Delegate".

Step 2: Select the validator with delegation

On the "My" of the Validator List click the validator that you have to undelegate.

Step 3: Undelegate


Step 4: Decide the amount to undelegate

The UNDELEGATE page appears, enter the amount of LikeCoin you want to undelegate, and click "Next" then confirm ( Reference to the Step 4-7 in Delegate via Cosmostation app ) to undelegate.

Undelegate via Liker Land

If you delegated LikeCoin to a validator but want to get it back, you can use the "Undelegate" function on the Liker Land app. Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select the validator you delegated to

On the LikeCoin wallet page, click on the validator you delegated to (displayed in green).

Step 2: Undelegate

Go to the validator's page and click "Undelegate".

Step 3: Enter the amount of LikeCoin to undelegate

Enter the number of LikeCoin you wish to undelegate, click "Next" then click "Confirm".

Last updated