
What is BookForest?

BookForest is the future of digital book publishing. Leveraging the power of blockchain, BookForest allows authors to publish their books as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which provides numerous benefits to both authors and readers.

One significant advantage of publishing books as NFTs is that it creates a unique, immutable record of ownership on the blockchain. This ensures that the book is an original copy, and has not been altered in any way. Additionally, NFTs provide a secure and transparent way for authors to sell their works, as ownership and transaction history are recorded on the blockchain.

With BookForest, readers can have their digital books signed by the author, which provides a personal touch and adds value to the book. Moreover, readers can trade their digital books with other readers, allowing for a new level of interaction and engagement between readers.

Here's the instruction of how to buy ebooks on BookForest:

Step 1: Connect wallet

Please log in to your Keplr Browse Extension first.

Go to BookForest website and click "Connect Your Wallet". If you are connecting for the 1st time, a Keplr window will pop up, click "Approve".

Step 2: Purchase the ebook

Choose the book you want to buy in the carousell or BookForest new drops.

Click "BUY NOW" on the book details page.

Enter into the Stripe payment page, fill in your email and credit card information and click "Buy".

Step 3: ebook purchase completed

The "Thank you!" page appears.

Additionally you will receive a confirmation email.

The purchased ebook will be displayed in "My Bookshelf".

Last updated