Vote on desktop

Vote via

Step 1: Delegate LikeCoin

Before voting, please delegate your LikeCoin to any validators that you trust.

Delegation of LikeCoin

Step 2: Log in to

Go to and select Keplr Browser Extension, Cosmostation Browser Extension or Authcore to log in.

Step 3: Select the proposal to vote

On the left-hand side menu, select "Proposal," and then click on the proposal which is on voting period.

Step 4: Proposal detail page

The proposal page listed out the proposal content, current votes, etc. Only validators will have a thumbnail when they vote.

Step 5: Start voting

Click on the "Vote" on the top right hand corner, and the lower right hand corner will show choices of Yes, No, No with Veto and Abstain. Select one of the choices and click "Next".

A transaction fee is required. Please check it and agree with "Next".

Confirmation is required. Keplr and Cosmostation users will need to approve a pop-up box to confirm the deposit after clicking "Send." Authcore users can directly click "Send".

The vote has been casted, please wait for the transaction to finish.

Successful vote!

Step 6: Check voting record

On the left-hand side menu, select "Transactions" and check out your past voting record.

Vote via Leap Browser Extension

Step 1: Delegate LikeCoin

Before voting, please delegate your LikeCoin to any validators that you trust.

Delegation of LikeCoin

Step 2: Login to Leap Browser Extension and select the proposal to vote

Open the Leap Browser Extension and click on "Governance". Choose the proposal that is currently in the "Voting Period".

Step 3: Start Voting

Read through the proposal content and click "Vote" to initiate the voting process.

Step 4: Voting Choices

Choices of Yes, No, No with Veto and Abstain appear. Select one of the choices and click "Submit".

Step 5: Voting Completed

The voting process is now complete. You can check the voting record for the proposal.

Last updated