Setup on docker (Deprecated)

This is the deprecated method of setting up a node. Please read the latest guide first.

Setup steps

  1. Clone the project

  2. Build the Docker image

  3. Initialize the node and account keys

  4. Start up the node and wait for synchronization catch up

Clone the project

Run git clone --branch release/v3.x --single-branch, then cd likecoin-chain.

Build the Docker image

Run make build-docker.

Initialize the node and account keys

  1. Run cp docker-compose.yml.template docker-compose.yml cp .env.template .env ``for setting up the docker-compose.yml and .env.\

  2. Modify .env file for the network config. For mainnet: LIKECOIN_MONIKER="<change this for your node's name>" LIKECOIN_DOCKER_IMAGE="likecoin/likecoin-chain:v4.2.0" LIKECOIN_CHAIN_ID="likecoin-mainnet-2" LIKECOIN_GENESIS_URL="" LIKECOIN_SEED_NODES="913bd0f4bea4ef512ffba39ab90eae84c1420862@," \ For testnet: LIKECOIN_MONIKER="<change this for your node's name>" LIKECOIN_DOCKER_IMAGE="likecoin/likecoin-chain:v4.2.0" LIKECOIN_CHAIN_ID="likecoin-public-testnet-5" LIKECOIN_GENESIS_URL="" LIKECOIN_SEED_NODES="49976c3bd43da9271f226cbedf02d4b6b8fc880c@" \ Note that LIKECOIN_MONIKER is a custom name you decide for your node's name.\

  3. Run docker-compose run --rm init to create .liked directories, with node config and keys initialized.\

  4. Run docker-compose run --rm liked-command keys add validator to add an operator key. The command will output your operator address, and also a 12-24 words mnemonic phrase. Please backup the mnemonic phrase properly as it represents your validator's private key. When asked, enter and repeat a passphrase for protecting your account key.

Start up the node

Run docker-compose up -d. This will create and run the Docker containers in background.

To see if the node is running well, you can input docker-compose logs to see if there is any error.

Last updated