Activites and Events

12/09 WeMedia Summit 2023


12/09 Funding the Commons

Decentralizing the Narrative: Web3's Role in Democratizing Media

12/01 NFT Taipei

Panel: How to Create Digital Democracy Through Blockchain?

11/18 WordCamp Hong Kong 2023

5年後還是新手 – WordPress Plugin開發大冒險

11/6-7 HK Web3 Month Conference

Sovereignty Blockchain: Abstracting Complexity for Seamless Building Experience for Consumer Products


11/02 RSS3 HKFINTECH Week Web3 Night

HKFINTECH Week Web3 Night

Community Partner

10/14 WordCamp Taiwan 2023


10/04 Lingnan University

Guest Speaker of Digital Creativity class in the Master of Cultural Studies program of Lingnan University

09/14-15 留下書舍 Have A Nice Stay


07/29 COSCUP 2023


06/09 Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2023


05/27 WordPress 20 週年慶典

我使用的 6 個 WordPress 外掛 By Kin Ko (廣東話 Cantonese)


05/09 飛地 nowhere

【5月9日 #線上對談】顛覆遊戲規則 ♠️


05/04-05 留下書舍 Have A Nice Stay


04/18 LikeCoin Discord

《崩潰與重建:ChatGPT 衝擊下的人類未來》新書分享會

04/16 Cosmos Interchain Session@Web3 Festival

如何促進應用專有鏈採用,將 Web2 用戶引入 Web3

香港掀起跨链旋风!「 2023 香港 Web3 嘉年华-跨链专场」圆满落幕

04/13 - Cosmos HK Meetup

Learnings Building in Cosmos: Bridging Web2 Users to Web3

03/23 - FOMO Asia Genesis Conference in HKCEC

Booth and Talk

03/21 - FOMO Asia Genesis Conference in HKG DAO

NFT for media, bloggers, or writers

03/21,23 IATC(HK) - 國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)

購買和出版我的第一個 Writing NFT

03/18 HK Startup DAO

[Web3商業入門] 區塊鏈Web3社區的力量 - 香港創業島 HK Startup DAO 首次線下知識分享研討日

Twitter Post

03/11 飛地nowhere


03/01 LikeCoin Discord

【創作者聊天室】leafwind 「創作即生活」

02/17-19 WordCamp Asia 2023


Talk: "How I make a living with Writing NFT on my WordPress blog"

02/13 IATC(HK) - 國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)

【散點與連線.網上講座(一)】 🌟認識NFT的幾個重要概念


Last updated