How to install Cosmostation app

Install Cosmostation app on iPhone or Android

Step 1: Install Cosmostation app

Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play to download the Cosmostation app.

Step 2: Create a new account

Open Cosmostation and click "START".

Click "CREATE" to create a wallet.

Step 3: Secure your Mnemonic Phrase

The covered Mnemonic Phrase / Seed Words will appear, click the eye icon to display them.

Please find a secure place to encrypt and store the Mnemonic phrase as it is needed for account recovery. Click "ADD WALLET".

Step 4: Enter the PIN

Enter 4 numbers plus an English Words as PIN code to protect the wallet.

Enter the PIN code again to confirm.

Step 5: Add a LikeCoin wallet

On the list of wallets, selects the LikeCoin wallet and click "ADD WALLET".

Click "Confirm" to add.

The LikeCoin wallet is ready.

For import an existing wallet please refer to:

Import wallet into Cosmostation app

Please keep your mnemonic seed and password safe. If you lose them you are not able to manage your LikeCoin. No one can reset your wallet on your behalf.

Last updated