Delegation of LikeCoin
Saving all the LikeCoin and don't know what to do with it? Consider to delegate your LikeCoin to a validator and earn rewards
Last updated
Saving all the LikeCoin and don't know what to do with it? Consider to delegate your LikeCoin to a validator and earn rewards
Last updated
cDelegation / Staking means delegating LikeCoin to one or more validators to earn rewards. Likers who delegate LikeCoin to validators can directly vote for proposals or let the validators represent them to raise proposals and vote for or against them when they don't have time to handle it. Delegation demonstrates liquid democracy and is vital to the autonomy of the LikeCoin DAO.
There are several ways to stake LikeCoin. We suggest using together with Keplr Browser Extension, Cosmostation Browser Extension or Authcore to delegate.
You can also delegate directly with Leap Browser Extension.
Keplr Dashboard -
Omniflix -
BitSong - -
For Cosmostation Browser Extension
Cosmostation Web Wallet -
For Keplr Browser Extension, Cosmostation Browser Extension, Leap Browser Extension
Leapboard -
Using a mobile browser with can delegate by Authcore.
You can also use Keplr Mobile, Cosmostation app and LikeCoin app to delegate.
Transaction fees are required for Delegate and Withdraw Rewards.