Unsubscribe Civic Liker
Just a couple of steps
Archived on 2022/06/14. Information is out of date, please refer to the new entry "Civic Liker".
Please follow the steps:
Civic Liker
Step 1: Login in Liker Land web, click on the menu at the top right hand corner, select "Civic Liker".
Step 2: On "You are supporting", choose the content creator that you subscribed to and click "Edit".
Step 3: Click "Cancel subscription".
Step 4: Click "Cancel subscription" again and you are free to go.
Civic Liker Classic
Step 1: Login in Liker Land web, click on the menu at the top right hand corner, select "Civic Liker".
Step 2: On "You are supporting", click Civic Liker Classic that you've subscribed to.
Step 3: Click "Cancel Civic Liker Classic Subscription".
Step 4: Click "Cancel subscription" again and you are free to go.
If you unsubscribe Civic Liker, the money paid will not be refunded. The subscription ends automatically on the next billing date and time.
Last updated