Liker Land

Facebook can give likes, why LikeCoin?

Archived on 2022/06/28. Information is out of date.

Liker Land is the user interface of LikeCoin, with function collaboration on reading, content collection, crypto wallet and ID Card, bridging readers and content creators.

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For Readers

Content Jockey

InMedia and Matters help you to select Today's headlines.

Artificial Intelligence helps on time saving and efficiency, but it doesn't work on news selection. Take Facebook as an example, although it's algorithms predict what arouses your emotions and interests you most, the intels are not important at all. Your newsfeed is long but the content may not be relevant to you, the information is lack of transparency and cannot be traced. Users really don't know that they have missed.

Pinpointing the problem of AI selection, Liker Land adopts "Zero AI curation strategy", readers select headlines recommended by Content Jockeys. Each content Jockey can choose 2 headlines per day. It encourages well chosen content so that the readers will not be flooded by useless information.

A wide range of selection

There are also 1,600 websites, six hundreds thousand articles by 19,000 content creators (Check out the latest Real Time statistics).

Deep Reading

Bookmarking any web page to Liker Land Readling list to read them later.

Reinventing the Like

From each clap the reader made, content creators can earn rewards.

For Content Creators

As a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure, LikeCoin provides Decentralized Registry, Decentralized Rewards and Decentralized Editorial for content creators.

Decentralized Registry

Decentralized Rewards

  • Reinventing the Like: By simply attaching a LikeCoin button beneath your content and without setting up a paywall, every Like by readers is turned into measurable rewards in LikeCoin tokens.

  • Rewards to creators are from two sources, Civic Liker to reward creativity and journalism, while the creators fund, distributed according to the Likes of all users, doubles the rewarding pool.

Decentralized Editorial

  • Liker Land: "Not Browsing, But Reading", our mobile app designed to be scarce to cut out noise from signals.

  • Apart from rewarding creators as a Liker, readers may go further to become a Content Jockey, help distribute creative stories and insightful commentaries with Super Likes.

Last updated