Login by Liker ID

Login to the LikeCoin Airdrop page

Archived on 2022/08/30. Airdrop discountinued.

Liker ID registered by general method (with Authcore)

Users who registered Liker ID by general method (with Authcore) and Civic Liker, please prepare your Liker Land app and desktop computer to claim the airdrop.

Go to the LikeCoin Airdrop page, select "Liker ID", or click "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner.

When the QR Code appears.

On Liker Land app settings, click "Experimental Features" and "Enable WalletConnect", then click the QR Code icon on the Liker Land app to bring up the camera and scan it.

The ISCN App window will pop up, click "Appove".

If you encounter any issue, you can go to "Settings" "Wallet Connect" and click the "X" to remove the connection and try again.

Last updated