Direct Voting
How much LikeCoin you stake, how much voting power you have
Last updated
How much LikeCoin you stake, how much voting power you have
Last updated
Since the FoTan upgrade, likers who have delegated LikeCoin to validators can now directly vote on proposals.
In addition to delegating your voting powers to validators to let them vote on your behalf, you can now vote by yourself. For example, if your validator votes "No," you can vote "Yes" based on the stake that you have. But if you do not cast your vote, your trusted validator will still represent you in the vote.
There are multiple ways to vote for a proposal, we suggest using together with Keplr Browser Extension, Cosmostation Browser Extension or Authcore.
You can also vote directly with Leap Browser Extension.
Keplr Dashboard -
Omniflix -
BitSong - -
For Keplr Browser Extension, Cosmostation Browser Extension, Leap Browser Extension
Leapboard -
Using a mobile browser with can vote by Authcore.
You can also use Keplr Mobile and Cosmostation app to vote.
If the stakeholder votes for a proposal for more than once, the last vote choice will be counted.