ISCN Browser

Check ISCN records and change their metadata

With Wancat's ISCN Browser you can easily check the latest ISCN records and change their metadata.

Latest ISCN records

The page displays the latest ISCN records, including Timestamp, Name, Keywords, Stakeholders, Owner, URL and ISCN Fingerprints.

Click "Details" of a single record to view the detailed information of the ISCN record on

Click "Raw Data" to view the raw hash and metadata.

Connect wallet

Click "Connect" in the upper left corner to connect your wallet, you can choose Keplr, Cosmostation or LikeCoin app.

After connecting the wallet, click the wallet address in the upper left corner to view all ISCN records associated with this wallet. Note that this feature is currently only applicable to the like1 wallet address.

Edit or Transfer ISCN

Click "Edit" to modify ISCN data including ContentMetadata, Stakeholders and ContentFingerprints, etc. After editing, click "Update".

Click "Transfer" to transfer the ISCN to another owner, enter the wallet address and click "Transfer" to transfer the ISCN.

Last updated