Transfer NFT

Transfer NFT is easy!

You can transfer your favorite NFT eBooks or Writing NFTs to others.

Users can leave a message when gifting a NFT eBook or Writing NFT to the recipient. The message is recorded as a transaction memo on the chain and can be stacked during further transfers, forming a β€œlog” of that particular piece of NFT.

Transferring NFT is demonstrated as follows:

Step 1: Login and transfer

Log in to Liker Land with your Email/Social, Keplr, Cosmostation, Leap, Keplr mobile, Cosmostation app or LikerCoin app...etc. Then, click on the NFT that needs to be transferred and check how many of them you own. Click "Transfer".

Step 2: Enter the recipient's wallet address and Transfer Message

On the Transfer Your NFT page, enter the wallet address of the recipient and the message you want to include. Then, click "Transfer".

Step 3: Confirm the transfer

Email/Social login

No additional confirmation needed.

Transfer NFT on Keplr

On the Keplr popup window, click "Approve".

Transfer NFT on Cosmostation

On the Cosmostation popup window, click "Confirm".

Transfer NFT on Leap

On the Leap popup window, click "Approve".

Transfer NFT on Cosmostation app

A signature request will show up on your phone. Click "Confirm" to complete the transfer.

Transfer NFT on LikeCoin app

A signature request will show up on your phone. Click "Approve" to complete the transfer.

Step 4: Successful transfer

A pop-up window will appear indicating that the NFT has been successfully transferred. At the same time, the number of NFTs you own will also change. You can also notify the recipient to confirm that they have received the NFT.

Users can view the messages sent previously in the Transfer Message field.

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Batch send NFT to supporters

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